If you want to integrate machines with different SINUMERIK Operate versions into SinuTrain, you need a separate SinuTrain license for each SINUMERIK Operate version.
If you have several machines with the same SINUMERIK operating version, with the appropriate SinuTrain license you can import the machine data of all these machines into SinuTrain and transfer the programs created on SinuTrain to these machines. A good news for the cnc programmers / cnc machinist who work on SINUMERIK or just starting to learn or for those who want to polish their cnc programming skills on Sinumerik cnc control, that SinuTrain the cnc training software for the Siemens Sinumerik 840D / Sinumerik 828D cnc control is available for free download, this is a trial-version which will remain valid for 60 days. You can run the programs created and/or tested here directly on the target machine - without an additional postprocessor or similar. SinuTrain installation thus becomes PC-based work preparation for exactly your machines. There you can create several machines within SinuTrain - even with different and lower software versions. Mit der Schulungssoftware SinuTrain for SINUMERIK Operate lernen Sie die Steuerung 840D sl / 828D zu bedienen und zu programmieren. SinuTrain for SINUMERIK Operate 4.7 and higher versions also include the SinuTrain workbench. SinuTrain for SINUMERIK Operate Training und Programmierung Kompaktbedienanleitung Vorwort Willkommen zu SinuTrain for SINUMERIK Operate - Training und Programmierung am PC. for,52,Foil,Film,with,828D,Keypad,Membrane,Button,Circuit,board,6FC,Business Industrial, Electrical Equipment Supplies, Electronic Components Semicond, LEDs, LCDs Display Modules, LCD Display Modules,/knebelite303582.html 52 Membrane Film Foil with Keypad Button Circuit board for 828D 6FC Business Industrial Electrical. You can import the machine data of your real machine tools into the full version. Get SinuTrain for SINUMERIK Operate alternative downloads. Licensing: SinuTrain and the machines of your workshopīy licensing the "SinuTrain for SINUMERIK Operate" basic version becomes a full version. Trusted Windows (PC) download SinuTrain for SINUMERIK Operate 4.4.